Download ReadSpeaker for Unity and follow the steps outlined below to get started.
Follow the steps below to add on-device text to speech to your Unity games in just a few clicks.
Install by importing the unity package into your project by navigating to Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package…Download speechEngine for Unity. The Plugin includes the English voice engine.
Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package…
Refer to the installation guidelines provided in the documentation included with the plugin.
Watch the installation tutorial to learn how to start using ReadSpeaker’s dynamic runtime text to speech in Unity.
Download ReadSpeaker for Unreal Engine and follow the steps outlined below to get started.
Follow the steps below to add on-device text to speech to your Unreal Engine games in just a few clicks.
Install by extracting the package and then copy ReadSpeakerTTS into /[Project Root]/Plugins/Download speechEngine for Unreal Engine. The Plugin includes the English voice engine.
/[Project Root]/Plugins/
Watch the installation tutorial to learn how to start using ReadSpeaker’s dynamic runtime text to speech in Unreal Engine.
Our team will reach out to schedule a consultation to explore how our SDK can be licensed by your company for your development needs.
We'll email you when ReadSpeaker's easy-to-use plugin for Wwise becomes available for download on the Audiokinetic website.
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