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為您的客戶提供栩栩如生的 Text To Speech 聲音


Try our Text-to-Speech Demo

Select your options below to hear samples of ReadSpeaker's TTS voices

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English (US) Female

Terms of Service - This demo is for evaluation purpose only; commercial use is strictly forbidden. No static audio files may be produced, downloaded, or distributed. The background music in the voice demo is not included with the purchased product.

Try our Text-to-Speech Demo

Select your options below to hear samples of ReadSpeaker's TTS voices

Beklager. Du har nådd grensen for demobruk.

Vi har begrenset antall økter. Vennligst be om en fullstendig dynamisk demo.

Be om en fullstendig demo
English (US) Female

Terms of Service - This demo is for evaluation purpose only; commercial use is strictly forbidden. No static audio files may be produced, downloaded, or distributed. The background music in the voice demo is not included with the purchased product.

Text to Speech 的優勢

利用 Text-to-speech 能使品牌,公司和組織提供增強的客戶和最終用戶體驗,同時最大限度地降低成本。無論您的客戶是網站訪問者,移動應用程式用戶,在線學習者,訂閱者還是消費者,text to speech 都可以讓您回應每個用戶對於您的服務,應用程式和內容的不同需求及渴望之交互方式。

查看 Text to Speech 的所有優勢

Extend the reach of your content

TTS gives access to your content to a greater population, such as those with literacy difficulties, learning disabilities, reduced vision and those learning a language. It also opens doors to anyone else looking for easier ways to access digital content.

Boost your brand voice

If flawless customer experience is at the heart of your business DNA, high-quality TTS voices or exclusive custom voices are both highly effective approaches to increasing your visibility in the voice user interface. TTS helps to enhance the customer journey across different touchpoints, fostering loyalty and setting your company apart from competitors.

Enhance business outcomes

Integrators and developers building services, apps, and devices across markets and verticals (e.g. telecoms, utilities, manufacturing, OEM, finance, etc.), benefit from adding speech output to services and applications. Text to speech enables a wider-reaching, more consumer-oriented end-user experience, helping reduce costs and increasing automation while providing personalized customer interactions.

為什麼選擇 ReadSpeaker?

ReadSpeaker 提供一系列強大的 text-to-speech 解決方案,可在任何環境中即時部署為您量身定制,栩栩如生的語音交互。

全球 10,000+







ReadSpeaker 為網站,移動應用程式,電子書,電子學習材料,文檔,電話及運輸系統,媒體,機器人,嵌入式設備,物聯網等提供在線和離線各式文本轉語音(TTS)解決方案!

作為殘奧會的全球管理機構,擁有一個適合所有人的無障礙網站是十分重要的。我們與 Readspeaker 的合作關係,對於實現這一目標扮演重要的角色。

Craig Spence, 媒體及傳播經理
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ReadSpeaker’s blog

ReadSpeaker’s blog 涵蓋了與在線和離線 text to speech,移動和 Web 可訪問性 ( accessibility ) 相關的各種主題。

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Make your products more engaging with our voice solutions.
