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Support is a key component of our company and we strive to help our customers as efficiently as possible. Our Support team is based in Sweden, the USA, South Korea, and Japan. We provide support via email and telephone to our customers all across the globe.

As a ReadSpeaker customer, you are welcome to contact our Support team with any questions about our products and to get assistance on how to use them.

Support for SaaS Products

For ReadSpeaker webReader, ReadSpeaker docReader, ReadSpeaker formReader, ReadSpeaker speechCloud API, ReadSpeaker speechMaker, and ReadSpeaker TextAid, please contact us at saas_support@readspeaker.com.

You can also call us on these numbers:
Sweden: +46 18 60 44 41
US (East Coast): +1 877 225 13 06 (toll free)
Japan: +81 3 6368 5254

Support for Licensed Products

For ReadSpeaker speechEngine SDK, ReadSpeaker speechEngine SDK Embedded, ReadSpeaker speechServer, ReadSpeaker speechServer MRC, ReadSpeaker speechEngine SAPI, and ReadSpeaker speechMaker Desktop, please contact us at tts_support@readspeaker.com.

You can also call us on these numbers:
South Korea: +82 2 3016 8513, +82 2 3016 8569
US (West Coast): +1 408 816 2937
US (East Coast): +1 877 225 13 06 (toll free)
Sweden: +46 18 60 44 41
Japan: +81 3 6479 7182

Support for Branded Custom Voices

For support regarding your own branded custom voice, please contact the VoiceLab team at tts_support@readspeaker.com.
You can also call us on the numbers given above under Support for Licensed Products.

General Support

If you are a customer and have a general support question or don’t know which address to choose, please contact us at support@readspeaker.com.

Implementation Support

Our Support team is there to answer any questions that might arise during the implementation or installation phase. We can also assist you in maintenance, such as upgrades or additional implementations.

Linguistic Support

With ReadSpeaker, you have your own dictionary. We can adapt the pronunciation of your words, acronyms, and abbreviations, providing you with a reading of your industry-specific jargon which is as close to perfect as possible. Our linguists are there to help you when needed.

Customization Support

If you require something that differs from our out-of-the-box solutions, our Development team can tweak our existing services and software. We can set up a technical call to review your needs and discuss customizations.

NeoSpeech TTS OnDemand Support

If you were a NeoSpeech TTS OnDemand user and have unused credits, please contact ReadSpeaker at +1 (857) 214 4032 or +1 (877) 225 1306, and we will provide you with a speechMaker account, our cloud-based speech production tool.