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ReadSpeaker Accessibility Statement

ReadSpeaker is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to individuals with disabilities. We are dedicated to making this website user-friendly and believe that all web content should be accessible to anyone who wishes to access it.



The ReadSpeaker Listen button is located above the content on every page. Simply click on this button to have the content of a web page read aloud to you.

You can customize the appearance of the content, such as the font, font size, and colors, to enhance its accessibility according to your preference. Additionally, the tool provides reading aids like a reading ruler (Page Mask), and the option to adjust the reading speed if you prefer listening to the text.

To access a full explanation of all the accessibility features included in ReadSpeaker webReader, click the menu button on the left of the Listen button, and then select the Help button from the menu. All features are keyboard accessible.


VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) documents detailing the full accessibility compliance level of ReadSpeaker webReader, ReadSpeaker docReader, and ReadSpeaker TextAid can be found on the product pages for these products.


The documentation detailing the full accessibility compliance level of ReadSpeaker solutions to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) can be found by clicking on the solution: ReadSpeaker webReader, ReadSpeaker docReader, and ReadSpeaker TextAid.


At ReadSpeaker, we are continuously striving to improve the accessibility of our site and services. We firmly believe that it is our moral responsibility to ensure that individuals with disabilities can use our site seamlessly and without barriers. Despite our efforts to make all pages and content fully accessible, there may still be some content that has not yet been fully adapted to the most stringent accessibility standards. This could be due to the absence of an appropriate technological solution or identification of one.


If you encounter any difficulties with the content or require assistance with any part of our site, please do not hesitate to contact us.